Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sausage sizzle

Went to lunch at Hilary's Boat Harbour today with Danny and Jody, we were all going to ride there but it seemed easier to drive.

The boys then decided to go to Bunnings Warehouse, which is like a very large B&Q, to get some bits for Danny's shed. I am told one of the main attractions is the "sausage sizzle" which you can buy and eat on your way around looking at big tools, what more could a boy want? I don't really know what this sausage sizzle is, I imagine it is like a hotdog, when Danny wistfully spoke of this legendary snack his hand seemed to naturally fall into a hotdog holding pose.

Ol and I went to Dad's for dinner where we met Zena and her fiancée Dillon. I was allowed to drive the car and only had a few misunderstandings with the overly sensitive brakes. Ol tends to get car sick, which he blames on my driving, so he drives more than I do. Driving 15000 km around Australia is going to be fun!


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