Monday, August 21, 2006


Today, we had our first ride on the train. They don't leave you much time to get on and off and the whole length of the train is open so you can see all the way from the front to the back. This makes the ride a bit surreal as you watch the tail of the train whipping back and forth as you go around corners and everyone is sitting calmly but your screaming inside your head expecting it to break off on the next bend and plummet into an abyss with all the people still inside it.

Ol and I spent as long as you could in a very small city trying to find a decent exchange rate for some English money we had, there is one road where all the banks are. In the end the best rate was found at a little booth tucked away between shops in the main shopping drag which is two roads that run parallel to each other.

Ol was very excited over the hobby shop, some of the stuff in there was so old you could barely work out what was on the boxes as they were so faded.

Fast Eddies was tasty, I had a steak sandwich. It hadn'’t changed much in 20 years. I resisted the urge to steal a menu due to the constant stream of police dining there, they must do good donuts.


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