Saturday, September 02, 2006

Little bit of elbow grease

Spent the day today cleaning the van whilst Oly and Danny built a work bench in the shed.

I have yet to drive the van and am not looking forward to doing so after watching Oly struggle to park the beast. We have to park where we can drive through two spaces so the van is facing forward to pull out. These spaces are always the furthest away, I have stopped grumbling about having to walk so far, at least we are getting some exercise.

As you can see by the picture Oly is getting in to the Aussie way of dressing with his singlet (vest). Australian men don't wear Viking hats, at least not in public, so please disregard it.

I hardly drink tea anymore. Just when I discover that using two teabags on a string have the same effect as one English teabag... yes it sounds obvious now but you try and figure that one out when your vision is blurred by milky water and your are facing life without a good cup of strong tea.


Aussie slang for the day
Drink with the flies = Drink alone

1 comment:

Emelie Coffey said...

Thanks PB...

I for one was not aware that the vikings made it this far down South, but there you go.

No doubt as the trip progresses I will metamorphose even more, but I suspect I will stop short of wrestling crocs.

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