Sunday, December 17, 2006

Oz Life (IX): Mosquitoes (OJG)

First off, I feel it is my duty to tell you that I HATE mosquitoes. Really really hate them. I do not think twice about killing one, and if I have seen one that got away, I will hunt it down for an almost disturbing amount of time!

I guess I could try and justify my hate by talking about malaria and other diseases that mozzies spread around so effectively, but in all honesty, my hate is purely selfish. I guess I have just been bitten too many times in the past.

I would have found it shocking to tell you that in every location apart from Uluru (middle of nowhere), I have seen mosquitoes. Would have, except for the fact that 1 month before we left Brighton, I killed 12 in one night (well once you see a couple, you know that it is time to don the hunting gear!). So I guess they are everywhere, and that is just part of modern life.

For the most part they come out at dawn and dusk, but in several locations I have seen them throughout the day. Particularly if it has been raining recently.

However, there is good news. Very good news! Australians have what I can only describe as a "Wonder" product; BushMan Plus ! BushMan, which is sold and praised by nearly all camping shops, is also used by the Australian army. But regardless of all that, the important thing is that it works. 7 hours protection, water resistant, and it even has some sunscreen thrown in!

The only issue with Bushman, or more specifically with the user applying it, is that every so often small areas get missed. And sure enough mozzies can always work out where. Devious little buggers.

So, yes I have had the odd bite, like on my lip, the side of my little toe, and a few other places that you would assume automatically safe, but for the most part I have been bite and itch free. Emelie of course gets no bites at all, and as such has no sympathy for my odd bite. Just once...


philip bergman said...

Oly, Mozzies love me too (and ignore Maggie!) remember the 'Zapper' I used in Thailand (which got heavily borrowed?) Well bring me back some Bushman Plus and I'll swap you for a Zapper. That way if the little buggers find that unprotected nook or cranny at least you can kill the itch!

See you soon, PB

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the intense hatred! One night this past summer I was covered in Off! (US version of Bushman Plus I guess) when I woke around 0430 with that all-too-familiar itching. "But I'm protected!" I protested to myself... naturally they'd found the places I hadn't covered... the damn soles of my feet! Argh! Little swines!

Unknown said...

Philip, I know that you suffer from them much as I do, and had already bought you a can of Bushman as a little Xmas gift.

If you want me to get you more than than the 1, then please let me know ASAP.

With regard to bite relief, I have found Tea Tree oil to be very good! It is not a miracle product, you need a little bit of self control, but it definitely reduces the itchiness a lot, and of course it is completely natural. Make sure you get a bottle with a stopper or it will go very quickly!

And to Mr Mackey, yes they always seem to find one spot. Devious little buggers! Often whilst chasing them, I have seen them do manoeuvres that even the Red Baron would be proud of!


philip bergman said...

Although we're not planning to go into Mozzie territory in the immediate future, the can of Bushman will go into the travel bag with gratitude!


Anonymous said...

i remember the sleepless nights hearing the mozzies and waiting for them to swoop down and suck my blood. the itching was awful, like chinese torture!!

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