Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Oz Life (V): Quality of Life (OJG)

This particular topic will probably pop up a few times, but I will write what my thoughts are on it at this time now.

Several people have asked me what I thought of the living over here? do I like it over here? and so on. I reply that the yes, the quality of life is without doubt better. I then try to think about specifics that make it better, and struggle.

Having given it some thought I think I can encapsulate it with the following 2 observations:

First of all "space". It goes without saying that Australia has a lot of space, possibly even the largest amount of space per capita in the world, or close to that. Space makes a lot of difference. Space to build a home, space to store stuff, space to park your car, space to play your music without disturbing the neighbours, space to build safe roads and cycle paths. In effect having a larger amount of space means less conflict, it is as simple as that.

Secondly, "common sense". This is a difficult one to describe, but basically there seems to be just a tiny bit more common sense used in all areas of life. Even as I write this is seems almost ridiculous but that is the point. Applying just a tiny bit more logic into every part of the Australian Life collectively ends up making a huge amount of difference.

You see, I am in no way saying that life here is perfect, it is not. But what if it were a tiny bit better, an almost unnoticeable amount better, but in nearly all aspect of ones day. Then it starts to make just enough of a difference. It works, at least right now anyway. I can't really give examples, but you will read about these little differences all over our blog, and maybe you too will be able to see the sum significance.


philip bergman said...

Emelie & Oliver,

Thanks for your card and Oliver, happy birthday for Friday. Looking forward to seeing you here soon.

Anonymous said...

Half 2 fat ladies - 33! Long ago and far away...
Be happy

Anonymous said...

Hi yu 2. Great adventure. Hope Yu and Henry get together in Cairns. Busy here with guests and a visit to Dunsborough for R&R with friends. Enjoying your blog now that I have the time to read it. Luv Dick and Alpha

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