Thursday, April 12, 2007

Review: 300

The film is an adaptation of Frank Miller's Graphic novel of the same name. He wrote the graphic novels Sin City, which was also made into a film a couple of years ago. In both cases he was heavily involved in the production, although I personally feel that Sin City was just a learning experience to get him ready for 300.

With that in mind you have to be clear that this film is not trying to be historically accurate, it is not even trying to be realistic. No, this is a film version of a graphic novel and that is the only work that it is trying to be true to. It succeeds completely. There are exaggerations, but so what, which good stories do not have a few?!

The script is brilliant, the acting is superb (no A-Listers in cast), the music good but not in your face, and the special effects... sublime. Obvious, and yet not over the top. It feels like every scene, in fact every single frame has been given a loving kiss of technical brilliance.

Speaking of tech, I read that 100% of the film was shot in front of either green or blue screens. And only a few shots which involved horses were done outside a studio. This is not at all visible in the film, the backdrops and surroundings have all been merged perfectly.

A quick warning though, the film is primarily about a battle, and as such there is plenty of fighting, and even quite a bit of blood. I personally really hate it when films go over the top with gore, but I did not think this to be the case at all with 300. But if you cannot stand the sight of blood, then this is probably not for you.

I think that is about as much as I can say without starting to give away the plot.

This is a visually stunning story (almost a piece of art), and if you can see it in the cinema I really do not think you will disappointed.

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